Thursday, May 29, 2008
Salmon Patties with Succotash: Budget Friendly and Healthy

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Lunch. Yum.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Birthday Flowers
These were part of a bouquet sent to me by a friend for my birthday-which just happens to be TODAY!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Old School Home Remedy: The Hot Toddy

Ahh..relief. something about the lemon and honey being brought to a boil chemically changes it and gives it some healing properties. Either that or the whiskey gets you just drunk enough to forget the annoying cough all together.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
1979 and Rhubarb Pie

Anyway, we would visit my cousins Chris and Kim and Aunt Marge and Uncle Floyd in the summers and fall when I was young. We'd play "kick the can" and eat wild berries and explore the land without a care in the world.
Aunt Marge made two dishes from scratch that have stayed etched in my mind for all of these years-homemade baked macaroni and cheese and strawberry rhubarb pie. They were both heavenly. I've never had a mac and cheese like it. It was very rustic-not fancy-no added flavors. I've come to find out later that fresh goats milk cheese was part of the recipe.
OK, OK back to the real reason for the blog...rhubarb! Aunt Marge's Rhubarb Pie was so frackin' good! Most people have a sweet tooth-but I tend to think I have more of a "tart" tooth. I love tart flavors and rhubarb is most definitely tart. Click HERE for the recipe I found that inspired this blog-it is of course, complete with lots of wonderful pics.
I know I just said I was going to plant tomatoes and sunflowers-but I think I'm adding Rhubarb to the garden as well. I am seriously going to drive my husband insane-he's anti-plant. I think he's just tolerating all of this planting right now because he sees it is something that is bringing me joy.
THIS ARTICLE tells me rhubarb doesn't do well in the south-its apparently a cold climate crop. It does tell me how to grow it as an annual though. I guess I will be waiting until around August or so to start my Rhubarb plants. That's kind of disheartening-but oh well-if I get a good enough crop I can always freeze it for later use.
I'm off to learn more about my beloved Rhubarb and humming 1979 by The Smashing Pumpkins all the way... (Great song!)
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Simply Saturday
That's about the best way to describe today. Its rainy and cool and...quiet. The husband is at work, the child is napping and I could be doing something productive and domestic like vacuuming mattresses, washing baseboards, or tackling this mountain:

You're with me now, right? I threw some Boney James on for background noise and voila! Zen hath arrived.
Check out the present my sweet boy gave me this morning-he wrapped it himself with a Spaghetti Warehouse kids menu coloring page. He's apparently frugally innovative like his momma!

What else, what else? Oh yes, scrapping. I scrapped recently and here's what I came up with:

Nothing spectacular, my creative juices weren't really flowing that day. It took hours just to get to a starting point. I think I'm going to start working on some 8x8 pages. I've got plenty of single pictures that I'd like to highlight on smaller pages.
Finally, to just be completely random and out there...check out my sparkly gold flip flops! Don't focus on the feet, I'm in desperate need of a pedicure.

Garden Update: Week 6

The winds kicked up a bit today so I added some bamboo skewers for support to the beans just to be safe-I just used some twist-ties to loosely hold them to the skewer. There is probably some product at the nursery specifically made to tie and support plants but ya know I work with what I've got. SHOOT-check out the old baby gate I'm using as a trellis for the pea plants to attach to and the rubber maid bin I'm using as a planter. I'm not so sure if I'm being frugally innovative and creative or plain trashy anymore...

Hmmm. Well the 88cent price tags ARE still attached to the green pots so, me thinks I might be leaning more towards the trashy. Oh well, it is what it is.
The beans have also begun to flower! Ooh PRETTY!

They are a rather sad lot, no?
I really NEED to get out into the backyard and prepare the area for the official garden. I'm actually really apprehensive about putting them into the actual ground though. Its as though somehow the deck high above the ground below is a safe haven for them.
Stay tuned for the tomato plants I will be adding to the mix next week, sunflowers, and oh I've been told coffee cans make interesting planters too. So maybe I will have to force myself to drink more coffee just to have some fun cans to use as planters? Maybe I'll do some flowers in those, and paint them brick red? Oh the excitement of it all! I know you can hardly stand it, can you?