Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Garden Update: 4 weeks

(Tomato plant)

I am a little late in posting this as these pics were taken last week Thursday...but you get the idea. We are one month in the ground now and things are growing nicely.

The garden is more shaded than I had thought it was going to be. The trees in the woods have really gotten full with leaves and they are keeping the garden out of full sun for most of the early part of the day. I am thinking about taking a saw and hacking off a few of the larger branches.'s how things look as of last week Thursday:

Peppers and Cucumbers...

Onions and Lettuce...

Spinach and Radishes...

I'm getting ready to go ahead and plant some zucchini and summer squash where the cabbage and broccoli shriveled up and died. I also think I might throw some yellow watermelon seed out alongside the garden and see how it does. We were able to throw seed out at work last year and it grew some nice watermelon without us doing a thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your garden pics are always so inspiring. I love the taste of fresh, home grown produce. I wish I lived next door so I could steal some of yours since everything I plant seems to die almost instantly. Watermelon sounds really good, especially once the summer heat is at its highest!